Ex-Bloomberg field organizer proposes class-action lawsuit against campaign

A former Bloomberg campaign staffer filed a proposed class-action lawsuit claiming that the former New York City mayor reneged on promises to pay employees through November 2020 whether or not he won the Democratic presidential nomination.

Donna Wood, who worked as a field organizer for the campaign, noted that many employees left their previous jobs in order to work on the campaign with the understanding that they would continue to be paid until November’s election and receive full health care benefits for themselves and their families. Nevertheless, she claimed, the campaign “terminated the vast majority” of workers in her position and others, leaving a number of them without insurance as coronavirus spreads across the country.

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“People are going from a pretty generous health care benefit to projected 20 to 30 percent unemployment,” Wood’s attorney Sally J. Abrahamson said in a statement to Fox News.

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Abrahamson told Fox News that Wood was terminated on March 20, the same day the campaign announced an $18 million donation to the Democratic National Committee.

A Bloomberg campaign spokesperson told Fox News in a statement that the campaign paid workers “wages and benefits that were much more generous than any other campaign this year,” as well as “several weeks of severance and health care through March, something no other campaign did this year. “

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